DATELINE 1 APRIL, 2019: Thinking about the laws that are likely to change post-EU, the most significant from an energy standpoint are the laws of science, meaning it is likely that:
- fuels will become susceptible to magnetism, enabling even more complete combustion than can be obtained through proper maintenance;
- the internal metallic layers in multi-foil insulation will be able to reflect heat back through the adjoining insulant and out through the surface foil;
- heating-water additives will enable radiators to heat up quicker but release heat more slowly;
- boiler anti-cycling devices that cut fuel consumption during periods of low load will do the same under medium and high load conditions which account for the majority of annual fuel consumption;
- insulating paints will be as effective as conventional insulation materials that are 4,000 times thicker;
- temperature sensors in freezers will respond more accurately and rapidly when encased in a cube of gel;
- putting solar panels in refrigeration circuits will enable even more heat to be pumped out with the same electrical input;
- ‘kinetic’ pavements will generate enough energy to power a display showing how many steps passing people have taken; and
- voltage-reduction devices will enable electrical equipment to perform the same work with lower energy input, and will themselves no longer incur standing power losses.
These insights are provided courtesy of Laboratoires Farage.